Bonded RPE
This bonded RPE expander uses the same type of screw as the Standard RPE, but is bonded to the posterior teeth with an acrylic shell rather than soldered to bands.
Some clinicians prefer this design because they feel the acrylic shell distributes the lateral force of the screw more evenly across the posterior teeth.
The shell act as a posterior bite plate which unlocks the patient’s occlusion allowing the screw to work with less resistance.
Why Work with China Orthodontic Lab?
China Orthodontic Laboratory is a full service orthodontic lab specializing in removable and fixed appliances. The lab also produces digital study models, mouth guards, sleep apnea appliances, functional appliances, the Herbst appliances, and many other custom designs. We offer a diverse and considerable choice of colors and designs for the appliances that are sure to please all age ranges.
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