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adult orthodontics

FAQs about adult orthodontics

Is there an age limit for orthodontic treatment?

You’ll be pleased to hear that there’s no upper age limit for braces.Your teeth will need to be healthy and suitable for treatment, but age isn’t a factor.

What are the benefits of adult braces?

Most people associate braces with straight teeth, but the benefits don’t end there. Crooked teeth can be more difficult to brush, so by straightening them it makes it easier for you to reach all the surfaces of your teeth and give them a thorough clean.

How long does adult orthodontic treatment take?

Treatment times tend to vary – sometimes dramatically – between patients depending on what needs to be achieved. Mild problems can sometimes take just a few months to treat, while more complex problems can take closer to two years. Usually, on average, comprehensive orthodontic treatment takes between 12 and 18 months. However, many adults are only looking to make cosmetic improvements to their front teeth, which can be achieved within a shorter time frame – closer to six months.
Will braces affect my speech?

Some types of braces such as Invisalign and lingual braces can give you a slight lips to begin with. The problem normally resolves itself within a week or so. Just keep speaking with your brace in and you’ll soon be back to normal. You’re very unlikely to have any problems with your speech if you opt for fixed braces on the front of your teeth.

Can I whiten my teeth after braces?

Yes, you can whiten your teeth after orthodontic treatment