Tag Archive for: orthodontic appliance

orthodontic appliance

Digital lab service

Now, we can offer digital service for all our works.
1, Send STL files to us, we will design the model. we can add a number or patient name on the model if necessary!

digital file
2, then we will print the model
dental resin model
3, we make the works according to the model

orthodontic appliance


mobile orthodontic appliances

Customizable Orthodontic Appliances

Orthodontic appliances are highly customizable pieces of work, some would say even artwork. As such, automation is almost nonexistent when it comes down to manufacturing an appliance. Yes, there is certain technology that will allow you to provide a better product whether it is higher quality or a better fit for the patient, either quality or comfort, or both. That technology is not coming close to being able to replace the hands of an experienced technician.

hawley retainer

At China Orthodontic Lab, we have technicians with over 35 years, 25 years, 15 years of experience. It’s very, very hard for a machine to be able to replicate that level of customization and the character that a hand bent wire gives to our retainer. No machine can replace that. Also, retainers and appliances in general are highly customizable. You can’t have a machine bending parts 1,000 pieces a minute when the part you need for the next case is going to be totally different from the one you use now.

That’s why automation doesn’t really form an integral part of our production line. In certain ways, it still allows us to keep retainers to have a lot of character and be a source of pride because they’re completely made by hand.

adult orthodontics

FAQs about adult orthodontics

Is there an age limit for orthodontic treatment?

You’ll be pleased to hear that there’s no upper age limit for braces.Your teeth will need to be healthy and suitable for treatment, but age isn’t a factor.

What are the benefits of adult braces?

Most people associate braces with straight teeth, but the benefits don’t end there. Crooked teeth can be more difficult to brush, so by straightening them it makes it easier for you to reach all the surfaces of your teeth and give them a thorough clean.

How long does adult orthodontic treatment take?

Treatment times tend to vary – sometimes dramatically – between patients depending on what needs to be achieved. Mild problems can sometimes take just a few months to treat, while more complex problems can take closer to two years. Usually, on average, comprehensive orthodontic treatment takes between 12 and 18 months. However, many adults are only looking to make cosmetic improvements to their front teeth, which can be achieved within a shorter time frame – closer to six months.
Will braces affect my speech?

Some types of braces such as Invisalign and lingual braces can give you a slight lips to begin with. The problem normally resolves itself within a week or so. Just keep speaking with your brace in and you’ll soon be back to normal. You’re very unlikely to have any problems with your speech if you opt for fixed braces on the front of your teeth.

Can I whiten my teeth after braces?

Yes, you can whiten your teeth after orthodontic treatment

orthodontic treatment

When is the best time to have orthodontic treatment?

If teeth are properly aligned with a correct bite early in a child’s life, it can prevent further dental problems from arising in adulthood. It’s so important orthodontic treatment is conducted swiftly and as early as possible.
Developing a ‘bad bite’ can be diagnosed from as early as 2-3 years old. If malocclusions are detected early, work can begin to correct the bite and avoid future issues when development of the teeth and jaws gathers pace in early teens.
This early work can avoid full orthodontic treatments later in adolescence, and can mean that by the time a child reaches this important stage, the issue has been rectified and their bite – and smile – is as it should be.

The stages
Early treatment – which encompasses an assessment of the dental arches, the premature loss of teeth and looks at habits such as thumb sucking – can avoid further treatment if initiated early.
The mixed dentition stage (ages 6-12 years) will look at treatments to restore jaw alignment, and is a great time to start treatment due to the responsive nature of a child’s teeth and gums during these crucial developmental years.
In the adolescent dentition stage, the concerns are focussed on dealing with permanent teeth and the ‘final bite’. At this stage, the ideal would be that an early diagnosis would have resulted in effective treatment and a normal and correctly aligned bite.

But why is orthodontic treatment more effective when carried out at a certain stage in development?
Extensive research has indicated that corrective treatment of dental imperfections is more effective when a child’s development is still underway. By carrying out treatment early and when the skeleton is still growing, the mouth can be prepared at the same time in advance of the final eruption of adult teeth. This allows the jaw to be in the correct position and teeth properly aligned before they even grow into place.
If the adult teeth have room to grow when they finally show through, then they will grow in pretty straight. If the jaw is crowded, teeth will more than likely grow in crooked and cramped. That’s why early detection and treatment is always advisable.

Even if treatment is carried out later on in childhood, the results can still be effective depending on the course of action chosen by the dentist.
Although many teenagers dread the thought of having braces, nowadays there are many different options and not all solutions are the traditional metal fixture.
Because of the advances in technology, braces now can be made to be almost invisible and totally unobtrusive which is great when treatment is needed into adolescence and image is a major factor.

orthodontic herbst appliance

The Original Of Sleep Herbst Appliance

The Herbst appliance has been in used in dentistry since 1909, it can be used to treat bruxism, TMJ, snoring and OSA.
The Sleep Herbst Appliance is a mandibular re-positioning device that has been in use since 1909 in orthodontic and TMJ therapy, prior to its modification for treatment of sleep disordered breathing. The Herbst Sleep Appliance has been proven to be effective on chronic snoring and mild to moderate OSA sufferers.
the original of sleep herbst appliance

The Sleep Herbst Appliance is extremely successful in the treatment of nocturnal bruxism due to the fact it allows patients to move laterally and vertically without disengaging the appliance. The lateral movement built into a Herbst allows the patient to move the jaw freely. This movement allows synovial fluid to flow freely through the joint, resulting in less jaw discomfort and/or occlusal changes for the patient. This benefit is not found in monoblock appliances.

Key to the function of the Sleep Herbst Appliance is the adjustable telescoping arms on the sides of the appliance. If it is determined that the initial position does not provide the anticipated relief of the condition, the mandible can easily be moved forward by the Telescopic version allowing the clinician to advance in 1/8 mm increments by making one full turn of the protrusion collar up to 4 mm from the start!